Charitable & Estate Planning
One of the greatest advantages of wealth is being able to support the people and causes that mean the most to you. At Milestone Wealth Management, we offer a plethora of services to help ensure that the charitable and estate planning process runs smoothly – and that the support for which you’ve provided is available for many generations to come.

Protecting Your Estate
Estate planning is for everyone. We can help minimize the opportunity for family conflict by creating a plan that will help protect your heirs and assets when you no longer can.
Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDS)
One of life’s greatest rewards is sharing your wealth with others. At Milestone Wealth Management, we work with you to create a “giving strategy” that makes sense based on what you would like to accomplish in your life, as well as in the life of others. With planning, you can create your legacy and establish a family tradition of giving that can last for generations to come.

Donor Advised Funds (DAFS)
A Donor Advised Fund is a popular charitable giving solution that provides an immediate full tax benefit and can be an alternative to establishing a private foundation. The Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund simplifies giving by making grants to charitable donations on your behalf. You can choose how the money is invested, which charities will be designated as grant recipients, and the amount to be gifted to each charity.
Digital Storage (Vault)
Collaborating has never been easier, faster or safer than with the Client Access Vault. This tool gives you one place to store and share digital copies of all of your important documents, such as your will, and the security of knowing that each is protected.

Beneficiary Designations
A designated beneficiary is named on a life insurance policy or financial account as the recipient of those assets upon your passing. Documents should be reviewed regularly, and changes should be made under new circumstances including marriage, birth, death, or divorce. We’ll help you make sure your documents and designations are up to date.